

Everything about Turkmenistan

All info to organize his trip have been gathered in this article. We have selected best things to do on site and around, retained hotels and comfortable accommodations, and gathered tips for transportation. To help you we have plans and maps Turkmenistan.

Where to stay in Turkmenistan

in Turkmenistan we also note the presence of not perfect but rather correct hotels.

Questions and Answers

What is the best hotel in Turkmenistan? The best place to stay in Turkmenistan is at Gypjak hotel in Kipchak.

What to do in Turkmenistan

But there are many other interesting things to visit as President Hotel Ashgabat, Oguzkent Hotel, Turkmenistan Cultural Centre, Ashgabat National Museum Of History, Mary Museum and St. Alexander Nevsky Church, Ashgabat.

Museums in Turkmenistan

For museums in Turkmenistan, visit in this order Turkmen Carpet Museum, Ashgabat National Museum Of History and Mary Museum.

Archeological sites in Turkmenistan

Among the in Turkmenistan archeological sites and around, we recommend you to visit Konye-Urgench.

Maps of Turkmenistan

Localisation of Turkmenistan on a world map ©OpenStreetMap contributors

Regional map of Turkmenistan ©OpenStreetMap contributors

Detailed location map of Turkmenistan ©OpenStreetMap contributors

Photos of Turkmenistan

Discover in Turkmenistan